From AmericaBlog, a link to two E&P articles about John McCusker, a Pic photographer and part time NOLA tour guide:
[McCusker] was arrested Tuesday after trying to get police to shoot him to death. Police said he claimed he was depressed after he found out he didn't have enough insurance money to rebuild his Katrina-damaged home.
And it certainly doesn't help things when the government continues to apply a "put-it-on-the-back-burner" approach, particularly when you consider that it was, well, a failure of government that got us into this situation in the first place.
Even MORE amazing to consider is that this same administration, which couldn't be bothered with rules, regulations, and other such nicieties when it was one of THEIR pet projects (Iraq, warrantless wiretaps, etc.), became such strident advocates for the same...when it was "those people" suffering (note: by all means check out the link to this story contrasting the government's response to Hurricane Betsy in 1965--over 40 YEARS AGO).
Well, at least I can close with some slightly good news: our fellow CITIZENS haven't forgotten the plight of those along the Gulf Coast, nor have they 'run out' of sympathy or empathy. Instead, the public, to paraphrase Congressman John Murtha, is "way ahead" of the government--and the pundits--on this, and probably a whole host of other issues.
Doing the right thing evidently is alien only to Team Bush and his beltway apologists.
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