I've got a new metaphor for Sec. Rice--instead of "birth pangs of the new Middle East," maybe you can go with "it's like watching a corpse flower bloom:"
The plant emits a stench to attract decaying flesh-eating beetles, flies and sweat bees for pollination. Once it blooms, the odor lingers for about eight hours, then it takes several more years before the plant has enough energy to bloom again.
How bad does it smell?
"It's like several days old road kill on a hot, sunny day," Wiley-Vawter said.
She said she went home shortly before midnight Friday and returned about 8:15 a.m. Saturday and could smell the plant from her parking spot about 100 feet from the greenhouse.
"Inside the greenhouse it was quite overpowering," she said.
Too bad we couldn't sequester the entire executive branch in the greenhouse for the duration of the bloom...to remind them of what they've managed to "accomplish."
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