Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Compost Heap

The GOP version of recycling has quite the stench, but no net benefit. You've got the tired lies harkening back to the days of Bill Clinton, courtesy of Sean Hannity, who didn't do his research--or just plain lied--when he insisted that Monica Lewinsky was a teenager when she and BC had their fling (she was 22). You've got the "but what about Gerry Studds" chorus...perhaps further proof that the wingnuts really DO have problems handling the passage of time...then you've got Pat Buchanan rehashing the same "but they're social deviants" theme used to stigmatize and ostracize African-Americans in a different era--thus exposing Buchanan's inner racist AND homophobe.

Tony Perkins opts for the "social deviance" argument, too.

Well, I suppose there might be some truth to Barnum's Law, but I still--maybe like a smaller version of Dr. Rieux--continue to hope (maybe against all hope) that the public will awaken...hey, wait a minute--the public IS awake, as polls demonstrate an understanding that the war in Iraq is absurd...maybe the public will also understand that likening pederasty to consensual sex between adults--straight or gay/lesbian--is as ridiculous as arguing that race is a determinant of "social deviancy."

The ones who MAKE that argument are sick--very sick.

(note: the link to Countdown and Hardball are from watching the end of the latter, and all of the former--the transcript is obviously not out yet, and might not include the Hannity remarks--they may allude to a "video montage" or something like that. The Buchanan remarks, though, should be in the transcript itself).

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