Monday, October 02, 2006

Full Speed Ahead!

Whatever your metaphor of choice: driving off a cliff, train wreck, badly listing to port or starboard, etc., it's both surreal and instructive to watch the latest measures of undiluted reality slam full force into Bushworld. Mark Foley's evidently been doing his best impersonation of a Catholic priest, Denny Hastert and John Boehner have opted for the roles of monseignor and bishop (minus the shuffling of Foley from parish to parish and quiet monetary settlements)...Shrub seems more and more delusional, evidently justifying support from the White House pooch (and the First Lady) as the only necessary conditions for maintaining the failed war in Iraq (hmmm...I recall another individual relying on a canine once upon a time). Big Time's ON THE RECORD saying that he takes advice from Herr Kissinger, who managed to fuck up in Southeast Asia, Angola, AND Chile, most notably.

And this is just from the past weekend.

More amazing still is how the national press is so blasè about it all. Yep, Iraq is FUBAR'ed, Foley's a perv, Henry "I-must-watch-where-I-travel-lest-I-find-myself-detained/indicted-for-war-crimes" Kissinger has the ear of an administration that's ever more in denial about Iraq...and speaking of denial, Secretary Rice has a case of both that and the "I-have-no-specific-recollection" when it comes to a meeting...that tried to shake her and the administration up about a possible Al Qaeda attack three months prior Al Qaeda attack.

Yeah, this administration sure did "change the tone" in Washington. But in doing so, they ended up with a remarkably familiar tune--one instantly recognizable from Watergate and/or Iraq-Contra: no "specific recollections," "failed memory/recall," if the Democrats manage to take control of Congress, perhaps a headlong dash to the 5th Amendment (provided it hasn't been gutted).

But, then again, what did anyone expect from an administration headed (at least nominally) by a businessman only notable for his family connections...and his failures?

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