I guess it's fitting that today's Pravda-on-the-Hudson has an article focusing on Marcel Duchamp (and Katherine Dreier) in light of the--no pun intended--tortured posturing and spinning from Team Bush on Iraq, including (h/t Morse) Tony Snow's impromptu "because-it-feels-so-good-when-I-stop" moment at the podium.
"Stay the course" evidently is sooooo 2003...and 04...and 05...and most of 06, but like most of Shrub's past, it's been "abandoned"...although perhaps not quite as thoroughly as his failed businesses. Likewise, as WIIAI points out, the (to use a recent favorite Shrub word) "unacceptable" term "timetable" has been replaced by "benchmark."
In other news, "lost and without a clue" will be replaced by "goddamnit, I'm NOT lost...um...just shut the fuck up, alright?"
As Iraqis stand up, we'll stand down...'kay. And, while a thousand mile journey begins with one step, ever get the feeling they keep moving the finishing line back by, oh, twelve to eighteen months? That is, just long enough to where it's out of the average person's mind when...it comes time to push it back a little further.
You know, like everything else, the longer the mess is around, rotting and stinking, the worse it's going to be when someone finally gets around to cleaning it up. Team Bush is in the position of tenants who've evidently decided they no longer give a damn, and are willing to let the place fall apart, knowing the lease expires in 09 anyway.
Maybe the landlords--us--should be a little more careful with our property, and evict the sons-of-bitches before they really DO have a mess the size of an epic train wreck...
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