Thursday, October 12, 2006

In Bushworld, Blood is but a Rose Colored Tinge
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Maybe when Shrub finally calls it quits from the Oval Office, he can work on concepts and copy for pharmaceutical know, outrageously technicolored montages of happy, smiling people...laughing, running through bucolic fields, playing on banana yellow slides in local parks, while he smirks through lines like, "side effects might include runny noses, watery eyes, massive trauma from mortar shells, cluster bombs, IEDs, sectarian violence, anarchy...other side effects include a complete breakdown of civil society, lack of basic services like electricity, plumbing, garbage collection, which can further weaken the immune system and bring about disease, while the chances of malnutrition and starvation will also be present:

In George W. Bush’s world, Saddam Hussein defied United Nations demands that he get rid of his weapons of mass destruction and barred U.N. inspectors; al-Qaeda’s public statements must be believed even when contradicted by its private comments; and U.S. withdrawal from Iraq is unthinkable because it would let al-Qaeda “extend the caliphate,” a mythical state that doesn’t really exist.

There’s always been the frightening question of what would happen if a President of United States went completely bonkers. But there is an equally disturbing issue of what happens if a President loses touch with reality, especially if he is surrounded by enough sycophants and enablers so no one can or will stop him.

At his Oct. 11 news conference, Bush gave the country a peek into his imaginary world, a bizarre place impenetrable by facts and logic, where falsehoods, once stated, become landmarks and where Bush’s “gut” instinct, no matter how misguided, is the compass for finding one’s way.

Read the rest here.

I guess the Iraqis don't have to bother about "contacting their doctor." This quack of an administration was going to give them the treatment whether they wanted it or not.

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