Tuesday, October 10, 2006

More Freshly Painted Schools

Linking to this story from Atrios got me wondering--even IF the stories are true about freshly painted schools and whatnot, don't you think that stuff could, well, wait until the very REAL problem of torture and murder are taken care of? Aside from the fact that an occupying (or liberating) army is OBLIGATED to establish and maintain social order, the first priority should be to protect people. After all, once you're killed, it doesn't really matter whether the school is freshly painted, or whether you've got plumbing or electricity (not that Iraq is improving in either of those at this time).

And yes, I realize that's now a rhetorical question: the military's ability to establish or maintain any semblence of order in Iraq is about as close to zero as it could get. At best, we're along for a ride that hopefully won't end in complete, utter catastrophe...at this point, plain old "catastrophe" would probably be spun by Team Bush as "victory," or, considering Herr Henry's pull within the administration, maybe "peace with honor, the sequel" ("SON of Peace With Honor"?)

Oh--and if you go into comments, you'll see pointed questions from several Gret Stet'ers, who might have a better idea than most about the difference between this administration's rosy public relations picture and the tragic reality. And if they're willing to lie about the Gulf Coast, you can bet they're willing to pull out all the stops when it comes to Mesopotamia.

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