Full disclosure: I voted for Edwards in the Gret Stet primary last go round, for mixed reasons: the "race" was essentially over, and Sharpton was denied a spot on the ballot--hey, don't laugh: Reverend Al was, as far as I can remember, the ONLY candidate who appeared in Red Stick prior to the primary, and I still remember wishing I'd heard about the event BEFORE the fact.
Still, I didn't mind Edwards, at least at the time, and was impressed by the enthusiasm he generated. Unlike Kerry, who came across as a politician, Edwards seemed to have some star quality. Now, I wish he'd show a bit of righteous anger now and again, but that's just me. Anyway...
It sure is nice seeing him do his best to keep this region on the political map, because it's the right thing to do:
The North Carolina Democrat's campaign accidentally went live with his election Web site a day before an announcement Thursday that was supposed to use Hurricane-ravaged New Orleans as a backdrop.
The slip-up gave an unintended double-meaning to his campaign slogan on the John Edwards '08 Web site: "Tomorrow begins today."...
"Better a day earlier than a day late," said Jennifer Palmieri, an Edwards adviser.
Earlier Wednesday, Edwards visited the site of his planned announcement for a photo opportunity. He did yard work at the home of Orelia Tyler, 54, whose house was gutted by Hurricane Katrina and is close to being rebuilt.
Edwards still will have to earn my vote...but his actions will definitely make me give him strong consideration...
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