Compare and contrast:
Fantasy a la Lieberman. As usual, WIIIAI's take is better than the actual Lieberdrivel itself:
Holy Joe Lieberman has an op-ed piece in the called “Why We Need More Troops in Iraq” in the WaPo, which describes him as “an Independent Democratic senator.”...
Joe fetishizes “security,” a word he uses seven times. Establishing security, he says, “will open possibilities for compromise and cooperation on the Iraqi political front.” Yes, everyone wants to be bipartisan centrist compromisers, given the chance. Remember the line in Full Metal Jacket: “inside every gook there’s an American waiting to come out”? Lieberman thinks inside every Iraqi there’s a Joe Lieberman waiting to come out, given enough, you know, security.
During his recent trip to the region, he says, “I saw firsthand evidence in Iraq of the development of a multiethnic, moderate coalition against the extremists of al-Qaeda and against the Mahdi Army”. He doesn’t say what that firsthand evidence was; I suppose we just have to take his word for it. I’m guessing he met one guy who told him what he wanted to hear, since that’s the standard of evidence elsewhere in the piece: he mentions “one moderate Palestinian leader” who told him that the US should stay in Iraq, and one American colonel who followed him out of a meeting and told him privately that the soldiers under him really want to “finish this fight” and know they can win it. So it must be true. If Joe threw in a cab driver, it could be a Tom Friedman article...
Also, at least according to some small blogger named Atrios (from Philadelphia, I think), today is C.D. Alston Day, a day set aside to commemorate denial--not the river in Egypt, but denial of reality.
And, last but by no means least, (h/t Scout Prime at First Draft), Riverbend has an update today. It's good to know she's alive, but, as you might expect, she doesn't have much cause for celebration as 2006 comes to a close. Rather than specifically cite something, please read the entire post. It's worth the time.
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