...meets with his clown press corpse

Boy, they were just guffawing, yucking it up, and otherwise having a good old time (am watching the presser on C-Span 2 as I type). No, phoning it in on a level unprecedented--even from their patron St. Ronald the Nitwit Himself--doesn't send the "wrong message" to the troops in any way.
Certainly it doesn't send the wrong message for four more soldiers who won't be coming home. Too bad they had to cut it short, but, like Shrub said, a guy's gotta eat...and Robert Gates can't be kept waiting.
WIIIAI also caught the line of the day:
"I fully recognize we're not going to be able to stop all suicide bombers. I know that. But we can help secure that capital; help the Iraqis secure that capital so that people have a sense of normalcy". Normalcy with suicide bombers.
Between this pitiful example of preznutin', and other howlers--like wingnut "intellectual," in a very loose definition, Frank Gaffney, flat out lying--you've really gotta wonder. My own speculation is that Shrub himself--or the Dick behind the curtain--will have some sort of public meltdown before the 2008 election. The question will be whether or not this sort of meltdown is reported for what it is--the ultimate example of the cynicism, the sheer ineptitude mixed with greed that defines this era--or whether it will be swept under the proverbial rug. I expect yer "librul" media will opt for the latter, even as they avoid the most obvious and egregious example of this, which is, and I keep repeating it, but, why not?
If they can't fix the problems HERE, most obviously along the Gulf Coast and New Orleans, but in fact, throughout the country, how on earth can ANYONE expect them to turn the elephant shit they've made out of Iraq into anything even approaching success?
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