The title of this post was my initial reaction to reading this fine example of paranoid political hyperbole from Representative Virgil "Goober" Goode, representatin' the fine state of Vah-gin-yah:
When the commentary begins in the Middle East, in no way do I want to comfort and encourage the radical Muslims who want to destroy our country and who want to wipe the so-called infidels like myself and many of you from the face of the Earth. In no way do I want to aid and assist the Islamic jihadists who want the crescent and star to wave over the Capitol of the United States and over the White House of this country. I fear that radical Muslims who want to control the Middle East and ultimately the world would love to see “In God We Trust” stricken from our money and replaced with “In Muhammad We Trust.”
Geez--you get the feeling Goode still sleeps with a light on, just in case, um, you know, because of the monsters under the bed and in the closet?
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