I wouldn't trust this assclown with a Rubik's Cube, much less the fate of the world...
On a more serious note, this underscores the problem we're facing in the Middle East and Central Asia:
Cheney and the rest of the crew at the White House can't even seem to get clear on what side they're on or even what war it is they're fighting.
That takes strategic incoherence into truly uncharted territory.
Indeed. Without so much as a basic understanding of the region, the peoples, the issues, Team Bush has mulishly (ironic, given that it's the Democratic symbol) insisted upon war with...well, nobody really knows. In fact, I doubt most Americans, including the ever crankily erratic Big Time and his juvenile "boss" Shrub, could name even a half dozen living, breathing terrorists. I likewise doubt they could name more than two very broad, very generic "organizations," if that many...and one (the "Taliban") most likely because the term's lately been in the news. Perhaps those with only a mild case of ADD could recall.
Well, that's probably nothing new: during the Cold War, I'm guessing most Americans could, at best, name the extant Soviet Premier...and that's about it. However, I'll assume most Americans must have thought their taxes went, in part, to a veritable army of people charged with the task of knowing as much as they could about the Soviets/the "enemy." Because without such an understanding, you might as well be at the level of medieval barbers discussing the "causes" and "cures" for various diseases.
Hmmm...sad to say, but it's looking more and more like the medieval barbers have taken over, just at a time when it would do us well to have a fully modern and knowledgable executive branch. About all they know how to do is bleat about "the evil ones" and recommend more blood-letting, while a gaggle of cheerleaders/rock throwers readily awaits the opportunity to chastise anyone suggesting a course that doesn't mimic the Dark Ages...not that the cheerleaders/rock throwers would ever, you know, put even their reputations, much less their lives, on the line for their Holy Roman Emperor.
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