Tuesday, August 21, 2007

From "The Decider" to "The Dissident"

Just when you think Shrub couldn't get more puerile, more churlish...

"You're not the only dissident," Bush told Saad Eddin Ibrahim, a leader in the resistance to Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. "I too am a dissident in Washington..."

Pathetic...yet, you know, I don't doubt for a second he feels oh-so-put-upon. Hell, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if his next move is to "establish his legacy" as a goddamned martyr to the cause...whatever the cause was...oh yeah, right: the cause was the greater glory of Chimperor Maxibushus. A martyr to himself, the poor dear, having to sneak the odd nip from a brown-bagged bottle because, after all, Laura doesn't approve.

Well, boy George, when you're through feeling sorry for yourself, maybe go say hello to some people who've also suffered a bit since you assumed office.

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