Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Lame Excuses of the Week

If it's after twelve noon on a partly sunny day, then the Iraq War Vietnam:

Year-by-year, month-by-month, now even day-to-day, we're treated to a different rationale for the Iraq war from a different President George W. Bush.

Meanwhile, Anniston, Ala-FREAKING-bama is the latest red-state location to take notice of the fact that the Chimperor has no clothes, which goes along with the fact that he has no functioning brain. The national media, of course, will ignore this...though if the situation was reversed, and a Democratic president was getting the bum's rush from the base, you can bet Chris Matthews would be hyperventilating with glee.

Finally, rounding out with another Cursor link, here's Seymour Hersh explaining to Adbusters the reality behind the increasingly threadbare Shrub facade in Iraq. Short version: it's all going to crumble into dust. Well, duh: anyone in the reality-based community knows that. Unfortunately, the media thinks batshit insanity somehow qualifies for equal if not greater time.

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