A Moderate
I was reading Stan Goff's analysis of the Petraeus clown show and his accurate description of Iran as "diabolus ex machina" ...it reminded me that Rising Hegemon caught this small story about the REAL player behind the scenes in the Middle East...our "ally" Saudi Arabia:
Despite six years of promises, U.S. officials say Saudi Arabia continues to look the other way at wealthy individuals identified as sending millions of dollars to al Qaeda.
"If I could somehow snap my fingers and cut off the funding from one country, it would be Saudi Arabia," Stuart Levey, the under secretary of the Treasury in charge of tracking terror financing, told ABC News.
You know, a big, obvious reason why the so-called "war on terror" is such a crock is that the very countries that you'd need to invade in order to take it to them, as it were, are specifically OFF the list. Of course, the big reason why that's the case is that, deep down, I don't think ANY of us are willing to pay the cost, namely, an end to the global economic system as we know it...in other words, despite the grunting and teeth grinding of the mouth breathers, it's a--oooh, here's the word--nuanced thing.
Too bad it's not really nuanced at all for those who are actually, you know, fighting.
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