I pretty much agree with Juan Cole's rather pessimistic assessment of the next four years, and the preparations being made by yer neocon/wingnut GOP to ensure this eventuality:
But in all likelihood, when the Democratic president pulls US troops out in summer of 2009, all hell is going to break loose. The consequences may include even higher petroleum prices than we have seen recently, which at some point could bring back stagflation or very high rates of inflation.
In other words, the Democratic president risks being Fordized when s/he withdraws from Iraq, by the aftermath. A one-term president associated with humiliation abroad and high inflation at home? Maybe I should say, Carterized. The Republican Party could come back strong in 2012 and then dominate politics for decades, if that happened.
It is all so unfair, of course, since Bush started and prosecuted this disaster in Iraq, and Bush is refusing to accept responsibility for the failure, pushing it off onto his successor...
...from the moment Bush went into Iraq, Americans were screwed. And that includes the Democratic Party, which is being set up to take the fall.
Would the Rethugs do such a despicable thing? Duh--of course they would. Look how they've exploited 9/11, which, by ANY analysis, is the epitome of abject failure on the part of Team Bush--as is their Mesopotamian debacle, as is their handling of the economy, as is pretty much everything Shrub's ever put a finger on, career-wise. Nonetheless, like goddamned rabid weasels backed into a corner, they've continued to spit foam and flash their fangs, hoping to hang on until January 20, 2009, whereupon we'll see THE shortest political "honeymoon" in modern history, namely, the time it takes for Hillary, or whatever Democrat is elected, to get from the steps of the Capital to the White House.
And the idiot press will ride along ("You name it - I'll throw rocks at it...")
Note: Again, sorry for the slow start--it's been a little busy here at work, plus Imageshack looks to be down for the count. Well, maybe Imageshack's problem is good--recently, at Dangerblond's suggestion I FINALLY began to organize and backup some of my pics using a Flickr account. That little project will continue and I might as well start using them to host my stuff anyway...and maybe it'll make things load faster.
Meanwhile, I hope Imageshack comes back on line, but if they don't, I'll repost some of the previous pics with the new Flickr account, too.
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