General David Petraeus and Friend
Shocking, no? Petraeus insists that the surge is going sooooo well that we'll finally be able to, oh, what was the expression back in '06?--yeah, right: stand down as the Iraqis stand up...or something like that.
He also insisted that he wasn't parroting White House spin--nope, not David "[t]estifying in a military uniform bearing four general's stars and a chestful of medals" Petraeus. Nope, not him.
Asked about his 'friend,' Petraeus insisted, under oath, that it most certainly was NOT a pig wearing lipstick...and the committee wholeheartedly agreed.
Oh--and it probably isn't important...you know, with David Petraeus saying things are going so good and all, but, if you search around the internets, you can find out that seven more US soldiers died (but it was "just" a vehicle "accident" so that's okay in wingnut eyes)...and, even less important is this little story about Iraqi volunteers who daily collect as many of the dead as they are able to and try to give them decent, proper burials. After all, in wingnut eyes, Iraqis aren't human--just statistics to use when convenient.
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