Monday, March 29, 2004

Accidents Will Happen

The Times reports that the U.S. Accepts Responsibility for Killing of 2 Iraqi Journalists. A lot of bloviating has come from some in the wingnut crowd who've suggested that the "Arab reporters" were somehow responsible for their fate. I hope this clears things up for them:

But the senior official acknowledged today that eight American soldiers had opened fire that night and that four to six bullets aimed at the speeding car hit the journalists, who were traveling in a sport utility vehicle about 100 meters behind the car.

"It's unfortunate but their vehicle happened to be in what we call the beaten zone," the senior military official said.

That's the first time I've heard the phrase "beaten zone." I'll have to search for that. As far as 100 meters--that's the two second rule and then some on all but the fastest of highways.

The article notes that American officials have indicated a willingness to meet the families of the slain journalists. I doubt they'll offer anything more than token compensation and perhaps an expression of regret, which at least is more than the average Iraqi gets.

But stories like this only underscore the fact that we're losing the battle for hearts and minds so quickly among Arabs, Middle Easterners, and Central Asians that it's going to make our heads spin. Add to this the decidedly icy relations vis-a-vis Europe, and it paints a bleak picture. God forbid, but another attack against the US could well be seen by the world in a much different light than September 11th.

And, like it or not, we still need the rest of the world to help us fight against terrorists.

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