Wednesday, March 31, 2004

I Dunno--Maybe Ken Lay Needed the Money

Link via BadAttitudes: Jerome Doolittle hit the nail on the head and drove it home in one blow.

Did you know that Bush just turned down an IRS request for 80 more criminal investigators to block the flow of funds to Al Qaeda?

Not unless you happened to read a story tucked away on page C3 of today’s New York Times; it didn’t make the AP wire, or the news roundups on Google and Yahoo.

Yet it offers a truly fascinating glimpse into Bush’s Washington, where a GOP congress joins hands with a GOP White House to hide embarrassing truths from the American people. And Bush would have got away with it clean if a single Democratic congressman hadn’t been paying close enough attention to spot the pea under the shell.

I.R.S. Request for More Terrorism Investigators Is Denied. This article is indicative of how Bush REALLY fights the war on terror--he doesn't. While his papa is out schmoozing the National Petrochemical and Refiners Association, lamenting the fact that the press is missing the story about the "progress" in Iraq--so ably demonstrated today in Falluja and Mosul--George the Younger is busy making sure that financial oversight will be no obstacle to his pals. Why let a few pesky terrorists moving money around the planet get in the way of making sure the audit trail doesn't end up somewhere embarassing--like Crawford Texas or Jackson Hole Wyoming...

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