Friday, December 17, 2004

Log Cabin Republican

Tom Burka imagines the fallout if what the late C.A. Tripp alleges in his new book is true:

The Republican-controlled Congress has drafted legislation that it intends to pass in an emergency session that will make it a Federal crime to refer to the Republican Party as the "party of Lincoln."...

Dennis Hastert, Republican representative from Illinois, was worried. "That's not what they mean by 'the Land of Lincoln.'"

Conservatives called for the Lincoln Memorial to be immediately removed to Greenwich Village in New York City.

Senator Frist agreed with the President's decision to withdraw the penny. "This news about Lincoln really brings new meaning to the phrase 'heads or tails.'"

No word on whether or not Ford plans to change the name of their Lincoln Mercury division, although the odds must be less than absolute zero that Lincoln will come out (no pun intended) with a vehicle named either "Hummer" or "Cruiser."

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