Friday, December 17, 2004

"You Militarize Space with the Unworkable Weapons You Have, not the Ones You Want"

That's the winning response at one of Bob Harris's recent polls, beating out "The laws of physics are just a few bad apples, and they'll be brought to justice," "But before it blew up, the interceptor was greeted as a liberator," and "Don't screw with us -- we've got unknown anomalies, and we're not afraid to use them."

The question, of course, was, "How will the Bush team spin the latest failed Missile Defense test?"

Speaking of unworkable--or, maybe, unworking weapons, check out this article Mr. Harris linked to--fair warning: the page took some time to load and my pop up blocker sounded like a pack of cheap firecrackers at one point.

Hmmm...ok, how about if I just cite a choice passage:

New spy satellite enjoys evenings off

By Douglas Jehl, New York Times

WASHINGTON -- A highly classified intelligence program that the Senate intelligence committee has tried unsuccessfully to kill is a new $9.5 billion spy satellite system that could take photographs only in daylight hours and in clear weather, current and former government officials say.

Works only in clear weather and daylight hours...exactly what you'd expect coming from the Bush administration...

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