Monday, September 26, 2005

This is Your Wake-Up Call

To move away from storm tracking (btw, the latest personal news, if anyone's interested, is that my mom and sister are fine, they didn't flood, and mom even has sister is getting by with a generator).

Anyway, this post from Billmon and this from America Blog should give anyone a real sense of just how bad our position is in Iraq. If the whole sorry enterprise was a business, we'd already be in jail for everything from insider trading to deliberate misrepresentation of shoddy product. And each day brings more grim news.

Listening to the war's apologists is beyond ridiculous--it's like having a serial wife beater tell you how, this time, it'll all be ok (provided, of course, that the bitch she just LISTENS, blah blah blah). Watching the lame attempt at nation building merely distracts from the wholesale theft of the US public treasury--and the Iraqi treasury, but let's not kid ourselves--Iraq is no sovereign entity. The government is a sick joke. And, for those who haven't seen it yet, this adds to the whole Lord of the Flies scene.

Brought to you courtesy of the administration of George W. Bush--the man who never ran a business that DIDN'T go belly up.

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