Fully engaged
Well, a day after I decided to start checking, well, wouldn't you know the White House website has a significant Katrina update. No, I can't claim credit for that: seems as if the hiding-in-plain-sight-video, which captures the essence of the dauphin's blank slate nature, forced their hand...and, lo and behold, also resulted in the discovery and release of transcripts previously denied to Congress under the "executive privilege" rubric...who would've thought?
I dunno, maybe the transcripts were just lost in the sofa cushions and "executive privilege" was merely a way to avoid a little embarrassment (especially if the dogs had eaten them).
Anyway, here's an interesting tidbit from the WH page--Dubya on August 28th:
Yesterday, I signed a disaster declaration for the state of Louisiana, and this morning I signed a disaster declaration for the state of Mississippi. These declarations will allow federal agencies to coordinate all disaster relief efforts with state and local officials. We will do everything in our power to help the people in the communities affected by this storm.
Hmmm...wasn't an early Team Bush excuse as to their shoddy and incompetent response something about how Governor Blanco failed to submit proper paperwork at the state level? Yes, as a matter of fact, it was.
Here's another item:
In August 29th Videoconference, Former FEMA Director Michael Brown Said The President Was "Asking A Lot Of Really Good Questions I Would Expect Him To Ask."
Um, we're supposed to be thrilled that the pResident is "asking a lot of really good questions"? Reminds me of Shrub proudly announcing that he "answered every question" the 9/11 commission asked...sort of like how Jerry Lundegaard "cooperated" with the police in Fargo.
The White House goes on to mount--no pun intended--a very Clintonian defense, engaging in vigorous parsing as to whether "overtopping" of the levees should be equated in any way with "breaching" of the levees, thus opening up the tiniest sliver of a plausible defense of Shrub's idiotic nobody "anticipated the breach of the levees" remark. As if somehow a major flood of New Orleans, regardless of cause, wasn't enough to, oh, I don't know, maybe CUT SHORT THE FUCKING PHOTO OPPING and start at least acting like the nation's chief executive? Sweet Mary, Joseph, and Jaysus, for chrissakes.
Of course, all the evasion, prevarication, and finger pointing aside, one thing you DON'T see is ANY statement as to their plan for recovery. Which isn't terribly surprising: if pedaling, waving and speaking is too much of a challenge, then actually working must seem like pure Abu Ghraib style torture for Pathetic-Little-Man-Chimp-in-Chief.
Oh, and while I'm on the subject, sort of: human rights in Iraq these days are...pretty much the same as they were under Saddam Hussein. And don't think anyone believes things are better in Afghanistan either...
All adds up to: Worst. President. Ever.
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