Mission Accomplished
Iraq is evidently Arabic for "civil war/conflagration." More news here.
Halliburton is evidently English for "lying-sack-of-shit-corporation-that-is-to- government-contracts-what-former-chairman-Dick-Cheney-is-to-quail-hunts." Hat tip to YRHT.
This is as apt a metaphor as anything when it comes to a dunce called Shrub...while Knight-Ritter, always an organization slighly less affected by whatever Team Bush is dropping into the water supply/Kool-Aid, has a story out confirming what most of us knew BEFORE the war: sooner or later, the occupation of Iraq was likely to cause deep resentment among the people living there, and set off either an insurgency or civil war. Of course, it's done both, with the added feature of drawing in terrorists keen to take advantage of the chaos. In other words, Team Bush hit the losing trifecta. Dumbfucks.
To be fair, my own guess before the war was that it wouldn't fall apart as rapidly as it did; then again, I assumed a far larger invasion force and at least some semblence of a plan--guess I misoverestimated the capabilites of Team Bush, even as I figured the scenario was more likely to play out like things did in Iran, i.e., initial success followed by long term failure. Instead, the clownshow in charge dispensed with the success part, declaring Mission Accomplished and Bring 'em on...way to go.
So, like the rabid hyenas they so closely resemble, the true believers are attempting to blame the left for their failures--I see some of their ilk are already testing that--and "the media lost it"--displaying simultaneously a level of pathetic almost limitless in its scope, and downright contempt for reality, or, at the very least, history (not surprising, given their total lack of understanding of even recent Middle East history, much less the more distant past).
It's my hope, though, that the public will see through the the screen of excrement held aloft by the clowns and their clown posse (and that the Democrats will begin to understand what John Murtha keeps saying--the public is WAY ahead of the politicians...oh, for that matter, so is the military).
Finally, in case anyone wasn't aware of it, the events in Iraq are merely a case of history repeating itself. Seems that, back in the day, it was the junior partner in today's "coalition" that was bearing the heavy load. Wasn't really worth it:
Churchill, writing to Lloyd George in 1922 about dealing with Iraqi insurgency: "At present we are paying eight millions a year for the privilege of living on an ungrateful volcano out of which we are in no circumstances to get anything worth having."
"Eight millions" was a lot of money back then...wonder how it measures up with today's expenses...
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