Looks like boy king and his wingnut minions have another item to dump down the memory hole:
A military investigation into the deaths of two dozen Iraqis last November is expected to find that a small number of marines in western Iraq carried out extensive, unprovoked killings of civilians, Congressional, military and Pentagon officials said Thursday.
I wonder if they'll beging trashing the military the way they trashed John Murtha...nah, they'll probably just go for ignore, deny...and trash Murtha some more.
Because truth isn't exactly their strong suit.
Or, as Glenn Greenwald notes, they'll ratchet up the "fog of war" or equivalent argument, or maybe even play compare and contrast with Saddam Hussein, as if killing fewer numbers of non-combatants somehow qualifies as moral superiority.
And, of course, the top of the command chain won't even be questioned--even as they pretend that war is hell--or hard work--for themselves, too.
Sons of bitches...
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