As those who are interested no doubt noticed, the people have spoken, and C. Ray held on to the mayor's key for an extra term.
At least one national news report yesterday brought up the "I can't believe they reelected that guy...oh, right: it's New Orleans," theme. The report was slick enough to have been produced by Karl Rove himself.
I'll leave the analysis of Ray's reelection to others, who can do a far better job than me--in fact, you'll see their sites listed to the right ("Gret Steters"). But, assuming the Oyster/Adrastos theory is correct, i.e., Nagin is the GOP's useful idiot (which explains a significant behind-the-scenes effort to assist his campaign), then, to me, that means:
New Orleans, and the reconstruction/recovery effort, is now their baby--or, as Tony Snow would say, tarbaby. I expect to see a MASSIVE, WELL ORGANIZED, efficient plan implemented with all due speed. And I don't mean all due speed=stall/blame Blanco/blame the state/or even stand up and haughtily proclaim "we shouldn't talk about 'blaming' anyone." Instead, get to work.
New Orleans--and the Gulf Coast--is now the test case for YOUR type of governance. I believe at one time you defined it as "compassionate conservativism." To be honest, the last eight months have demonstrated that it's actually abject neglect/play the blame game...and judging from your other grand initiative--the pathetic mess you've created in Iraq--I can't say I'm very optimistic at all.
So, here's your chance to prove me wrong. Or, to be proven wrong. And, truthfully, I'd rather see a rebuilt Gulf Coast than score political points. But if you don't, won't, or can't take care of business down here the way it should be taken care of, don't go whining about it being someone else's fault. Show some responsibility...or get the hell out of the way.
We're watching...and waiting. And don't expect much in the way of sympathy. This is what you wanted, and if the shoe was on the other foot, you'd already be launching attacks (don't think I haven't noticed your style). If--or maybe I should say when--you screw up, we're going to do our best to let as many people as possible know who's responsible...and why.
Best of luck.
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