Tinkershrub meets Sisyphus (and I can hear Shrub now--"huh huh...Sissy-pus").
Hmmm...if in Iraq, "progress is incremental," then New Orleans must be a full-blown neocon success story:
The president acknowledged the American lives lost in Iraq, past mistakes and tough days to come. He repeatedly returned to the word "incremental" to describe progress there.
But Bush grabbed onto the political news coming out of Iraq as a way to support his mission in the unpopular war and declare a measure of victory over terrorists.
"The progress we've made has been hard-fought, and it's been incremental," Bush said in remarks to the National Restaurant Association...
A man in a chef's uniform, complete with tall white hat, went to the microphone and thanked Bush "on behalf of all the cooks and chefs in our country" for creating jobs in the restaurant industry and "running the country the way a chef would run the country."
Good lord: that'd be one hell of a shitty place to have dinner. I can picture it now: assorted vermin crawling over the table...god knows what would be kitchen would be like...Chef Cheney getting drunk and spraying people in the face with hotsauce, Maitre'd Shrub snorting coke in the corner, busboy Karl Rove and dishwasher Abu Gonzales smirking and panting over old copies of skin mags/stroke books when they weren't picking their noses...dirty dishes keep piling up...while waiter Tony Snow sheepishly explains that he doesn't know what happened to your order.
Health code violations? It'd be more a question of what WASN'T in violation...maybe a salt shaker somewhere.
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