Schroeder linked to the transcript. And on Countdown, Richard Wolffe made an interesting observation that Watertiger picked up on. After "showing remorse," Smirk Chimp flashed his trademark, um, smirk.

Evidently he did this while the camera was focused on Poodle Blair, because I managed to listen to the whole dreary exercise, and even forced myself to watch the final moments.
Attaturk has some thoughts about the clown show...and the other clown show that followed, at least on MSNBC:
Tweety called Dear Leader's faux mistake listing last evening as "a little bit of Lincoln". It was fun watching a series of analysts, including fellow MSNBC blastocyst Joe Scarborough, come forward and say in so many words that Matthews was insane.
There are three particular failings of Chris Matthews that stand out from all the other failings:
1. He apparently needs to talk in order to breathe.
2. He is obsessed with gossip, especially sex gossip about the Clintons (hardly alone, the mighty "Cleni" are the prom King and Queen of D.C. apparently)
3. He has a mancrush on Bush that rivals the Powerline boys after they've been forced to wear anti-masturbation mittens for a week...
Bush as Lincoln, I've always pictured Bush as more a Jefferson Davis kind of guy, without the intellect or the horrid neck beard. Like Davis, Bush is prickly, vain and stubborn.
Of course, it was all just a show anyway--most commentators think the whole thing was staged. To me, he looked like a kid being forced to apologize.
And, if he can't figure out that the deadly, sorry spectacle that will be his legacy--the foolish invasion of Iraq--has far more in the way of error than choice of words, then we really do have a serious problem.
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