Let's see: Iraq is a bloody, chaotic quagmire...Afghanistan isn't any better...hurricane season began last week...sooooo...according to Team Bush, now's the time to protect the country from...
The evils of gay marriage.
Good lord.
OK, you wanna make nonsense "the new black?" Why the hell not:
After reading YRHT's summary of Stephen Colbert's commencement address at Knox College in Galesburg, Ill., I think I've come up with one possible way to get the government's attention--a visual representation is above...
What if--and, by the "logic" of DC these days, "what if" might as well be "the British government has learned..." Anyway, WHAT IF
Gay, terrorist, Category 5 storms--and, did I mention that they're gay? And terrorist? Anyway, what if
Gay, terrorist, Category 5 storms are poised on our southern border, just waiting for the chance to sneak into the country via the numerous inlets along Louisiana's thousand or so miles of coastline in order to wreak havok by obtaining gay marriage licenses and having babies that automatically qualify for citizenship...thereby perpetuating the cycle of dependency, poverty, abortion, and more gay marriage that threatens our shores with terrorist Cat 5 attacks. Oh, and 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, 9/11. Sanctity of marriage. 9/11. We mustn't forget...sanctity of marriage. 9/11.
Gay, terrorist, Cat 5. In the Gulf of Mexico RIGHT NOW.
Colin Powell is preparing remarks for address to the United Nations.
Gay, terrorist, Cat 5.
Now can we FINALLY get adequate flood control?
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