

Inspired by this:
A black bear picked the wrong New Jersey yard for a jaunt earlier this week, running into a territorial tabby who ran the furry beast up a tree -- twice.
Jack, a 15-pound orange-and-white cat, keeps a close vigil on his property, chasing small animals when he can, but his owners and neighbors say his latest escapade was surprising.
"We used to joke, 'Jack's on duty,' never knowing he'd go after a bear," cat owner Donna Dickey told The Star-Ledger of Newark for Friday's newspapers.
Well, my own 15-pound orange-and-white one once cornered a large dog in the stairwell...but, to be fair, the large dog was my then neighbor's, and was/is one of the sweetest, gentlest canines I've ever met. Oh, and the top photo really IS a tiger cub. I paid ten dollars to get my picture taken with, if I remember right, Nike, at a medieval fest in Hammond a few years back. It was one of my best investments (shoot, it's actually one of my best pictures EVER...yep, that's as good as I'm ever gonna look. Early on, I realized that I'd better work--hard--on the "nice personality, good sense of humor" stuff).
Anyhoo--just to show that I'm not averse to giving credit where it's due, I'm glad to see Congress--with, apparently a push from the Shrubster hisself--managed to, for once, do the right thing and appropriate relief funds to the American citizens of Louisiana who look forward to rebuilding in our little corner of the American Dream--good. Let's hope minimal strings/bureauracy are attached to these funds, because plenty of actual, genuine people can and will use the money to rebuild lives and rekindle dreams that were shattered last August. And, as an expression of gratitude, I encourage y'all to take a listen to one of my favorite NOLA musicians (a transplant, but one who thrived and rioted with beautiful flowers in our sub-tropical climate), Spencer Bohren--here's C'mon Down.
See y'all Monday.
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