Monday, June 05, 2006

Team Bush Will Protect Us From the Monster Under the Bed

Look at those vicious, sharp claws...and teeth! Bet it's gay, too...and can't wait to get married...

While el delfín ominously warned us about the pressing evil of gay men and/or lesbian women hoping to "be just as miserable as the rest of us,", Raw Story reports that Harry Reid is at least trying to get the adults heard, even if they aren't in charge:

In Nevada today, gas prices are over $3.00 a gallon. Fill-ups at the tank cause emptiness at the bank. This Administration, the most friendly-to-oil Presidency in our history, refuses to buck Big Oil or the auto manufacturers...

Raging in Iraq is an intractable war. Our soldiers are fighting valiantly, but we have Abu Ghraib and Haditha—where 24 or more civilians were allegedly killed by our own—and no policy for winning the peace. However, Secretary Rumsfeld continues in his job with the full backing of the President. Not a reprimand, not a suggestion that his Defense Secretary is at fault.

We have a national debt that President Bush won’t acknowledge, but our children, their children, and their children’s children will have to acknowledge the generations of debt created by President Bush’s economic policies. Federal red ink as far as one can see. America is becoming continually more dependent on loans from China, Japan, Saudi Arabia and England.

Our world is changing as we speak as a result of global warming—a condition our President does not acknowledge, let alone attempt to reverse.

Today nearly 46 million Americans have absolutely no health insurance. Millions more of our countrymen have inadequate health insurance. This Administration has come forward with nothing of substance to address this national emergency...

There's more.

And Scout Prime reminds us that Congress continues to stall on appropriating money for recovery down here while they join the pResident in a kind of political diversion scheme that rivals the ACOE in scope/scale...and probably efficacy. Boy, it'd be nice if AmericaBlog's suggestion that people call up reps/senators supporting the idiotic marriage amendment proposal and make inquiries about THEIR sexual habits, behaviors, and proclivities got some real play in the media. No doubt you'd see the same sort of indignant about-face that Dennis "rights for me, but not for thee" Hastert provided last week re: the FBI's search of Bill Jefferson's office.

You know, if this latest example of BushRove tripe doesn't convince the public that the people in charge are a bunch of perpetual juveniles who can't be trusted to look after a house pet, much less the country (and if it doesn't convince the Democrats to adopt a relatively straightforward slogan along the lines of "Time to Put the ADULTS in Charge"), then we might as well just hang it up...Let's go ahead and amend "We the People," too, and make it something a little more descriptive, like "You wanna supersize that bucket of fries?"

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