Robert Fisk makes a valid point:
For who can be held to account when we regard ourselves as the brightest, the most honorable of creatures, doing endless battle with the killers of Sept. 11 or July 7 because we love our country and our people -- but not other people -- so much. And so we dress ourselves up as Galahads, yes as Crusaders, and we tell those whose countries we invade that we are going to bring them democracy. I can't help wondering today how many of the innocents slaughtered in Haditha took the opportunity to vote in the Iraqi elections -- before their "liberators" murdered them.
In light of the revised policy the army now takes towards detainees, Fisk asks a good question...but one that will never get answered as long as we've got mental juveniles in charge of government..and the media.
But it also means we probably won't learn a thing from our loss in Mesopotamia.
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