Thursday, August 17, 2006

Less Denial--or Defiance--of Reality, and More Sheer Incomprehension Thereof


On the same day the New York Times reports both on the dramatic increase in the number of attacks on U.S. personnel in Iraq (doubled since January) AND the fact that at least some "senior administration officials" are admitting that grand experiment in Iraqi suffrage was just so much, um, Macaca (“Senior administration officials have acknowledged to me that they are considering alternatives other than democracy...”--so much for the purple finger brigade, Congressman Jindal), well, Shrub evidently thinks things are just dandy...or maybe he doesn't...because, quite honestly, he's no longer making ANY sense whatsoever.

On the one hand, he implicitly endorses staying the course, deriding those who he claims--falsely--want to "cut and run," but then he turns around and proffers his own simplistic version of Ken Mehlman's no doubt focus grouped slogan "adapt and win."

Referring to the disruption of the plot in Britain, he said, “And so we’ve got to use new tactics, new efforts, new assets to protect ourselves against an enemy that will strike us at any moment.”

Then he denounced law enforcement as a tactic...despite the fact that the British "plot," if there even WAS one, was stymied precisely BY "law enforcement," which included measures taken to ensure compliance with the English law relating to individual civil liberties.

You know, it's really sad and pathetic, actually. Almost anywhere else, the "debate" would be over whether the pResident is totally wacko, without hope of redemption, or just in need of a lengthy stay at a mental facility. Alas, in the United States, Shrub's ignorance might well be strength.

This ignorance is matched in domestic matters, as Blake Haney noted yesterday.

A while back, I recall seeing a picture at PGR: a bumper sticker featuring dim-bulb-in-chief with the caption, "Fixed Iraq, now I'll Fix New Orleans." Maybe that should be phrased a little differently:

If they can't--or won't--fix New Orleans, how can they POSSIBLY fix Iraq?

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