Monday, August 14, 2006


"The Decider" preserves his perfect record of zero for everything:

WASHINGTON - President Bush, just hours after a cease-fire took hold Monday, said Hezbollah guerillas had suffered a sound defeat at the hands of Israel in their monthlong Mideast war.

"There's going to be a new power in the south of Lebanon," Bush said, referring to plans for the Lebanese government, backed by an international force, to reassert control in the area that has been dominated by Hezbollah fighters.

The president also said the war was part of a broader struggle between freedom and terror, and he blamed Iran and Syria for fomenting the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah.

"We can only imagine how much more dangerous this conflict would be if Iran had the nuclear weapon it seeks," the president said.

Just...plain...sick and ugly. What the hell's next? Another aircraft carrier moment, with Tweety and G. Gordon waxing on about Shrub or Olmert's "manly characteristics"? Well, probably not Olmert, who presumably has enough of a brain to realize that his days as Israeli Prime Minister are numbered. Besides, a rational person would see the civilian casualty count, the damaged Lebanese infrastructure, and so on, and at the very least note that war in general has no winners...

But instead the boy-emperor views this as--good god--a chance to rattle his little plastic Iran.

I haven't thought for some 15 or so years I'd relish the thought of getting older...but 2009 can't arrive soon enough.

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