I think TPM is right: Shrub's blusterbus is a classic bluff. Deep down, he's got nothing ("finest public servants"??? Rove and Miers? That's like saying Jimmy Swaggert was a "devoted and loyal husband").
No, the White House knows damn well what's going on, and while it's not technically a violation of law (heavy emphasis on technicality here), it is most definitely crude, crass...indeed, something that the term "Bush league" applies to quite well. This is the sort of shit that might fly in Texas, where they don't know better, but the United States has standards.
Hey, David Broder: THIS is 'trashing the place.' Karl Rove subsumed EVERYTHING, including the unique position of US Attorneys, to base, crude 'politics.' No, in a very technical sense, it's not illegal. But that doesn't mean it's not wrong. And they know it.
Oh, and I think it's not a bad time to point out that, once this Texas-sized stink finishes wafting through the halls of government, it might be prudent to investigate where else the NATIONAL interest has been crumpled up and thrown out in favor of a narrow POLITICAL interest. Two supersized cases are
Mesopotamia, and
New Orleans.
As to the latter, well, Team Shrub claimed one scalp--Kathleen Blanco's--even as they've directed their minions to prop up useful idiots like C. Ray and Dollar Bill. As to the former, well, maybe it's just me, and maybe this is why I'll never be a politician, but I couldn't fathom having one person killed in pursuit of political glory, much less play Shrub's ultimate game of stupid: making the ridiculous claim of 'progress' after unleashing the biggest shitstorm of this generation.
If/when this comes out, I think a LOT of people will be forced to confront their own "Good German" tendencies. It won't be pretty.
Oh, finally: I saw Scout-Prime's "challenge" after I got home last night (I play tennis in a local adult league...I got beat, um, badly. Oh well. I'm doing this for the much-needed exercise)...anyway, it turns out there's a gap in the DOJ document dump...even more ironic, the gap is...18 days. Someone was channeling the ghost of Rose Woods.
I wonder who it could be...

You know, some experts think the clumsiness of the original 18 and a half minute gap was indicative of Tricky Dick's handiwork. Hmm...

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