It's yet another example of how far this White House has gone in normalizing behavior that we've been raised to associate with third-world countries where democracy has never successfully taken root and the rule of law is unknown. At most points in our history the idea that an Attorney General could stay in office after having overseen such an effort would be unthinkable. The most telling part of this episode is that they're not even really denying the wrongdoing. They're ignoring the point or at least pleading 'no contest' and saying it's okay.
Yes, true...but this is par for the course in Texas, which is as much Bananaland as Lone Star. Consider: Tom DeLay. John Cornyn. Kay Bailey Hutchison. George W. Bush...and, recall, Big Dick himself had to change his official state of residency--from Texas back to Wyoming--when he lifted himself up by his jackboots and added his name to the ticket.
Like I said yesterday, they get away with that shit over there...but I doubt seriously the rest of the country wants to make Texas their governing model.
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