Sometimes words have a way of catching up with you.
Note: My guess is that in addition to the ridiculous "but...this is different" argument we're hearing, we'll eventually hear Snow, et al issue some sort of stirring defense of the Clenis, sure to be seconded by the punditry, who will nod their heads and, in hushed, august intonations, tell us all that "of course" executive privilege is a necessary and proper concept...
And, for the record, I thought it was bullshit when Clinton sank his fangs into it, too.
Re: Bill Clinton...regardless of the circumstances, i.e., impeachment was and remains a crock, or, in retrospect, sure, he was a goddamned genius compared to the present occupant of the office, etc., etc., I remember thinking two things at the time--first, he must be in mighty deep to pull THAT out of the bag 'o tricks, and second, I'd once read something by Hunter Thompson re: Nixon and executive privilege. I've since searched in vain for the exact quote, but the Thompson piece was in the midst of the political death watch, and he basically dismissed the concept of "executive privilege" as a desperate attempt to claim some vestigial "divine right of [the sovereign]."
I agree--in all THREE cases--Nixon's, Clinton's, and Shrub's.
Of course, the question, then, is just what Chimperor is hiding...because if he wasn't hiding something, he wouldn't be so goddamned desperate...
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