Starring Glenn Beck
h/t Suspect Device
I keep reminding myself that the Glenn Beck constituency is shrinking faster than David Vitter's Little Davey after Larry Flynt's phone call; still, it's infuriating that he continues to get time, if only on cable, to wax ignorantly.
Indeed, the only real whiners in this entire post-not-so-natural-disaster period are the Glenn Becks of this world, who uncorked their epic levels of stupid crap swill even while the floodwaters rose, and haven't ceased since.
And their enablers--the CNN's, the Fox Noise's, and so on--are equally culpable. Giving Beck broadcast space is like handing greasy rags and a lighter to a serial arsonist. Or schoolbus keys to a stinking, falling down drunk.
Beck's the literal embodiment of what I mean when referring yesterday to a media "dead zone," so rhetorically intoxicated, so verbally polluted that life itself is instinctively repulsed, and flees using whatever means available.
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