...but if it's straight, stay on the committee slate...
Oyster and others have noticed a certain selective morality at play in the squared circles of wingnuttia--Larry Craig can't buy himself a friend, and I'll bet he's got at least one erstwhile "public" restroom all to himself these days, while Diaper Dave's penchant for Pampers® is evidently considered just yer normal, run-o-the-mill Senatorial fetish.
Again, um, in spite of the opportunity to create what I personally consider a new and improved Dandy Dave Diaper Service van, I really couldn't give a hoot in hell about whether our elected officials enjoy their dalliances straight, gay, floral or faunal. However, THEY adopted "values" as an "issue" upon which to run. Own petard? Check. Commence hoist.
Nonetheless, it's interesting, as YRHT points out, to witness the moral contortions among the "values" pushers. It appears there's quite the mix and match of good old fashioned homophobia and realpolitik, given who controls the respective Idaho and Gret Stet stethou, um, statehouses.
And, you know, just between you, me, the walls, and anyone within shouting distance, I recall thinking during the Clinton impeachment exercise in hypocrisy ("naughty boy") that one major factor working strongly in favor of his acquittal is that I seriously doubt a single Senator then--or now--could withstand similar scrutiny of his or her personal life. Just because you can afford hired help don't mean you ain't got dirty laundry.
Too bad THAT lesson STILL hasn't been learned by the "values" pushers...because if they ever DID manage to get that through their lizard brains, we could move on to far more important issues...like Gulf Coast recovery and figuring out how to get out of the Mesopotamian quagmire.
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