The Glenn Becks of this world cluck ever more ignorantly about New Orleans--oh, for those wishing a refresher, M.D. Filter reprises a post summarizing his research into the dollar amounts, which include flood insurance adjustments--anyway, the wingnut green eye-shade set clucks away, but averts their eyes--if not buries their collective heads in the sand--when it comes to the Great Mesopotamian money burn off. I linked to the latest investigation of this epic cash waste by Matt Taibbi last week, and today Cursor notes a video summary narrated by the writer.
Now, to be sure, Beck and his ilk posess the kind of taste that approves of construction literally full of shit: that's THEIR style. I'd like to think the American people, on the other hand, expect something a little less, um, shitty in exchange for their hard earned tax dollars.
Oh--and a Tiny Revolution interviews Taibbi, for those looking for some background.
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