Welcome to your Waterloo, Mr. Bush--not even your moronic incompetence could kill the world class city of New Orleans. But take note that the city is fighting back in spite of, not because of, any "effort" on your part...that is, if we can dignify the at-best yawning, half-asleep afterthought you and your advisors have made of Gulf Coast recovery with the word "effort."
By the way, this failure hasn't gone unnoticed throughout the country the world. It's a major reason why NOTHING you say is taken seriously.
If your "effort" in your own country is so shockingly pathetic, how can anyone expect you to honor any commitment elsewhere...like, for instance, in Iraq.
Anyway, in honor of your too-little-too-late upcoming photo-op, here's a symbolic reminder that, while New Orleans, with the help of volunteers from around the country (for which the city is eternally grateful), has successfully undertaken the Herculean task of recovering, the city is STILL NOT OK, and you aren't helping

You know, I believe the rest of the nation understands fully that New Orleans' fate is OUR fate--as it goes, so goes the country.
And...for the record, I sure did have a wonderful time yesterday. If you want to meet NOLA's best, you'll find them at the Rising Tide Conference. Be sure to mark your calendar for next year.
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