Well, not entirely--it's nice to sleep in on a Monday, but plenty's on my plate today...in the meantime, I'm sure everyone stopping by has seen this Pravda-Upon-Hudson piece (First Draft linked to it) explaining how it's hard out there for a
So much for good faith. In George Bush America, civil rights and guarantees seem to apply solely to the fat cats, and everyone else can take a hike. Tom Tancreepo has taken this to even greater heights, as I'm sure you've also seen (check YRHT for the definitive summary)--well, if we can take any comfort, Tancreepo's polling numbers bear a direct ratio to his rhetoric, and his personal character: about as close to zero as statistical data analysis can represent.
Which makes me wonder why media outlets would even give him the time of day, much less offer him airtime or print space. Tancredo and his ilk are the REAL dead enders, devoid of anything approaching rational thought, and surprisingly dimwitted, even by mouth-breather/lizard-brain standards. They might make for a targeted sub-demographic in a Coors Light ad campaign, but they sure as hell don't even come close to speaking for ANY significant number of Americans.

Tom Tancreepo 2008: Mouth-Breathing-Lizard-Brained-Ghouls Unite!
Well, back to chores. See you tomorrow.
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