You know, even before TPM came out with this post, I was telling a friend in an email that Bush and bin Laden are sort of a perverse/lunatic equivalent to the sister-city movement, existing in symbiosis (Shrub, being particular sort of loon he is, likewise bonded with the departed and hopefully rotting in hell because he's sure as hell not missed Saddam "tried-to-kill-my-daddy" Hussein). Snake oil salesmen are snake oil salesmen, and that goes the world over...
I just finished reading the transcript (.pdf)...they really are like two sides of the same counterfeit/wooden nickel (and longtime readers of my blog might even remember a visual effort at making that point). I mean, geez--the two of them, Bush 'n bin Laden--the same elitist arrogance, the same amateur scriptural interpretation masquerading as some sort of bizarre enlightenment-of-the-self-anointed, the same taking credit for the sort of sacrifice that neither would actually engage in (and the same whining about imagined pain that neither have ever actually felt)...and even, on the last page, an appeal for conversion to Islam because of--I shit you not--the low, low taxes.
Yo, bin--maybe emphasize the polygamy, too--we are the "decadent" West, after all (though, no, Senator Vitter, I don't think there's any provision for diapers, regardless of whatever it is that's in John Cooksey's brain). Besides, we've already got pretty low taxes.
About the only thing that surprised me was the lack of a 1-800 number or a website. Guess he's still working on that.
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