The fact is that basic errors of the kind John McCain consistently makes cost us needless casualties, and that's regardless of your opinion of the war.
Haven't we given the idiots far more than their fair share of time to push their idiot position already? I mean, sheesh: we're five years in, and the best they can cling to is some sort of ridiculous fantasy about "the surge" being what would be the farcical were it not so maddeningly tragic equivalent of "the light at the end of the tunnel" for this generation of chickenhawks.
Meanwhile, as I was reminded by a friend yesterday, real people, with real families, are forced into a living purgatory as they sweat over the possibility of deployment, or multiple deployment...just so Shrub, or St. John, can save a little face (even as they evidently can't or won't do their fundamental homework, no pun intended).
Again, I'll note that this administration can't even fix the New Orleans and United States Gulf Coast, which is a lead pipe cinch/slam dunk in comparision to the disaster on steroids that's their "success" in Iraq. And McCain can only promise more of the same.
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