Something about this doesn't pass the smell test:
President Bush plans to announce on Thursday that Army units heading to war after Aug. 1 will serve 12-month tours rather than the 15 months that soldiers are currently deployed, senior defense officials said.
Maybe it's this:
The reduced tour length will not apply to any soldiers now serving in Iraq, Afghanistan or other war zones, although that could change later if security conditions improve, the officials said Wednesday.
Or maybe it's the whole John Yoo element of this administration...you know, the part that claims laws and regulations are strictly for wussies when we're engaged in the manly art of war...ok, when the troops are so engaged.
Or maybe it's all the stop-loss orders and other heavy-handed tactics that have made a mockery of the term "volunteer" army, and make Big Time's recent remarks all the more galling.
Or maybe it's all that, plus my recollection that prior to Dick and George's manly military exercise, I think the rules WERE 12 month tours. In other words, Shrub's mangnanimous gesture is simply getting back to level ground, as it were.
I tell you--it'd be something to see what sort of tantrum Chimperor George would throw if they told HIM no vacation this summer.
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