From First Draft, a link to Juan Cole comparing Team Bush's twin towers of venality and incompetence...no, not Shrub and Big Time themselves, but their legacy of destruction in Iraq and along the Gulf Coast.
Bush happened to Iraq just as he happened to New Orleans. He cannot do the hard work of patiently addressing disasters and ameliorating them. He just wants to set people to fighting. Crush the Sadr Movement, perhaps the most popular political movement in Iraq? He's all for it. Risk provoking a wider conflagration in the Middle East by worsening relations with Iran? Sounds like a great idea to him. Bush campaigned on being a 'uniter not a divider' in 2000. In fact, he is the ultimate Divider, and leaves burning buildings, millions of refugees, and hundreds of thousands of cadavers in his wake. He is not Iraq's Brownie. He is Iraq's Katrina itself.
And, I'll say it again, particularly as the scoundrels busily wrap themselves in as many flags as they can get their grubby fingers on--if they can't fix the Gulf Coast, how can anyone POSSIBLY believe they could salvage anything even remotely resembling "success" on the other side of the globe?
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