"Looking pResidential"


Reality Check
I'm sure the media will dutifully transcribe--with appropriate solemnity--the latest telenovela devoted to Iraqi war strategery...shoot, if we're lucky, we might be treated to yet another waste of trees, promising that, as long as we think/clap really hard--and maybe tap our heels together--we can emerge triumphant...as soon as they figure out just what exactly "victory" is supposed to mean.
That or maybe they're trying to figure out just how much lipstick they'll need on the pig to convince the public that it's actually a lovely young ingenue.
I wonder if Shrubleroy will insist on everything being "Meghan-ized" (aside: jaysus, Ms. O'Sullivan looks almost as creepy as what's-her-name on The Apprentice)...
Or maybe they'll just linger over the details of Zarqawi's death with the glazed, drooling expressions more commonly found on the faces of teenage boys with skin mags...
Meanwhile, welcome to Hurricane Season 2006. Don't know about y'all, but two things about Alberto (Abu?) don't exactly have me breathing a sigh of relief as it bears down on the Florida peninsula: I keep seeing things like "surprised forecasters in how quickly it intensified" or words to that effect. On the other hand, firefighters in the region are hoping the rains will make their jobs a little easier, so maybe it's a case of good news/bad news.
Anyway...time to cross our fingers...sort of like how I do now every time I try to post something on Blogger.
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