When Bush insists on stamping his feet, pouting, or otherwise throwing a tantrum after being told that no, he can't continue his Mesopotamian Nightmare of a War ad infinitum, remember, what he's actually saying is that he SUPPORTS this:

What he's actually saying is that he supports this:

He's also saying he supports a policy that's resulted in some 30,000 US soldiers being wounded, many seriously. He's saying he supports a policy that figuratively and literally rips families apart. He's saying he supports a policy that has ZERO chance of even remotely obtaining anything approaching "success," but is a policy that accepts more of the same: blood and death, obscene expenditures...just to salve his fragile ego.
Well, on that note, have a nice weekend. Hmmm...ok, to to lighten things up a tad, here's a picture of president Shrub's brain on drugs:

(actual size of egg/brain--

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