So, George Tenet's belatedly realizing that Team Bush is just another way of saying "They'll throw you under the bus as soon as say hello," while he further charges--and let's all shout out "DUH!" loud enough for him to hear--that no "serious debate" occurred in the White House on whether or not Saddam Hussein posed a substantive threat to the United States.
Welcome to the reality-based world, Mr. Tenet. Hope your Kool-Aid withdrawal symptoms weren't too severe. Oh, and in case you're wondering, your Medal of Freedom® and a cell phone contract will get you...unlimited nights and weekends, depending on the plan you choose.
"Serious debate" and Team Bush make "military intelligence" look logical in comparison. I'll bet a good measure of this administration obsessive, paranoid secrecy is because if/when we finally see the documents, "Mayberry Machiavelli" will look overly generous, as would "barstool Bonaparte"...or "theoretical underpinning for the 101st Fighting Keyboarders." The failures are almost worthy of an anti-monument on the scale of Mt. Rushmore: Government of--and by--Dummies.
By the way, Mr. Tenet, the next time you nurse your bruised...reputation...maybe you should consider just how lucky you actually are: thanks to you, and this administration, hundreds of thousands of people are either far more severely wounded, physiologically, or dead. You got off pretty easy in comparision.
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