Osama's as inept as Team Bush when it comes to the top-level:
CAIRO, Egypt - A top Taliban commander said al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden was behind the February attack outside the U.S. military base in Bagram, Afghanistan, during the visit there by Vice President Dick Cheney, according to an interview shown Wednesday by Arab broadcaster Al-Jazeera...
The bombing killed about 20 Afghan civilians, a U.S. soldier, a U.S. contractor and a South Korean soldier outside Bagram while Cheney was meeting with officials inside the base — an attack the Taliban claimed was aimed at Cheney but which officials said posed no real threat to him.
Hey, just like Team Bush did. Kill plenty of others, which ensures more mutual hatred, but let the top-level folks slither away.
At this point, I'm cynical enough to think that Big Time's "secure, undisclosed location" and "Osama's hiding place" might be one and the same. And Dick's so goddamned inept he won't even shoot Osama in the face for us.
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